Additional pipes мод
· This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Additional Pipes is a mod that adds a few extra pipes to Buildcraft. You might remember us from Tekkit, and yes, we're still around! Pipes. Addition Transport. · Additional Pipes Mod 1.12.2 adds a few extra pipes to Buildcraft (Addition Transport Pipe, Priority Insertion Pipe, Distribution Pipe, Closed Pipe, Advance. The Additional Pipes mod serves as an expansion pack of sorts to the original Buildcraft mod for Minecraft. When installed along with Buildcraft this permits the crafting of several different useful new pipe types, which in their turn give players scope for new creativity. · Ссылка на мой клиент и сервер + карты уроков (save): Сам мод можно. Additional Pipes by Zeldo, DaStormBringer, Kyprus, Anonymous. Adding many essential pipes for building the factory. Additional Pipes is a mod that adds a few extra pipes to Buildcraft. You might remember us from Tekkit, and yes, we're still around! You might remember us from Tekkit, and yes, we're still around! Pipes. · Updated for MC 1.2.5 and Buildcraft. There is a lot of things going on currently. We have forked Additional Pipes from Zeldo (with his permission) Additional Pipes is now updated for MC1.12 and Buildcraft 1.8! It took many hours of hard work, and I had to dig into code that I had not touched since becoming the maintainer, but the mod is now fully.